Congregational Town Hall

March 11, 2018 @ 9:45 am – 10:30 am

Here at Our Savior, our vision is to seek and save the lost, our mission is to be a welcoming, equipping and sharing family of Christ. This a wonderful mission and vision statement for OSLCS, but what does this actually look like in practice?

How are we seeking and saving the lost? How are we being a welcoming, equipping and sharing family of Christ? Where can we improve on this? Where is God leading us next? These are important questions that we need to consider as a church as we look to the future of our congregation, and we seek to grow the Kingdom of God in Excelsior.

On Sunday, March 4 and 11 from 9:45-10:30am we will hold Congregational Town Hall Meetings to begin to discuss these questions, as we look to the where God is calling us to go and who He is calling us to be in the communities in which we live. Please join us and come with questions, concerns, and ideas to share with Pastor. There will be Sunday School both weeks. The youth are invited to attend the March 11 Town Hall. There will not be any Adult Bible Studies these two weeks.